The importance of having a professional CV


Your CV is your sales pitch and statement about who you are.

This is the first piece of information a potential employer receives about you. Sadly so many candidates still send through CV’s that have not been well prepared. One has to realise that if your CV is not professionally collated and presented, you become just another file on a “pile of paper”.

Your CV needs to STAND OUT – you want the reader to feel excited about reading your CV so they cannot wait to contact you immediately.

When compiling your CV it is important to focus on the following key areas:

–         INTRODUCTION PARAGRAPH:  We recommend a customised intro paragraph that needs to be short and to the point, AND it must make the reader want to continue reading. Speak to why you are the best person for the job!

–         LAYOUT: Make it easy to read and remember, employers and recruitment agencies receive hundreds of CVs at a time. Ensure your personal details are listed, then your education followed by your work history. Start with your current position being listed. Be sure to have a start and end date for every position and make sure that there are no gaps in the timeline.

–         SPELL CHECK: Check the spelling very carefully as it is a big negative to see spelling mistakes

–         ACHIEVEMENTS: Very important to add these. These are an excellent selling point for each one of your jobs and they will make you stand out.

–         PHOTOGRAPH: A professional small ID size photograph will add character to your CV and immediately connect the written detail to who you are completing your CV.

person holding a cv

Contact TIME PERSONNEL for a personal appointment if you require a new CV and interview advice – this is an additional service that Time Personnel can provide offering you advice from how to market your CV, drawing up a new CV and ideas on how to present yourself at your best for an interview – cost is dependent on the requirements by the candidate.



With her background as a professional ballerina, Liz grew to understand the discipline, poise, passion, commitment, excellence and the over-arching drive to succeed. These are the very qualities she has injected into Time Personnel, and critically these are the traits that Time Personnel look for in the candidates that are sourced for their clients.

After a career as a ballerina, Liz started as a secretary, moved into sales and then took the plunge to open her own recruitment company. She realised very quickly, all through her various roles, that the one way to achieve success was to treat people with respect and warmth. Liz has applied and instilled this in her business and her staff at Time Personnel.

What makes Time Personnel stand out is the Personality Differentiator. Liz firmly believes in hanging on to the “people contact aspect”, not just relying on the email communication options of today.

Liz’s favourite quote:
“The price of excellence is discipline. The cost of mediocrity is disappointment.” – William Arthur Ward

+27 (0)21 447 0860 /


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