Keep up the company culture while needing to work remotely


People long for social contact when working from home. It is important for leaders to recognize this need and make the social element an important part of day-to-day business when working remotely.

One of the biggest challenges is how to keep company culture alive and cohesive. One needs to be creative and think of innovative ways to thoughtfully approach and care for your employees, especially during these challenging times.

With that being said, here are some activities that can work to keep spirits high and your employees connection strong while working remotely.
• Eating lunch together during the week: Shut off the time with no work being completed or talked about – only social interaction allowed
• Dress up day: make a feature of this on a Friday and start off with a video meeting, have a prize for the best dressed
• Celebrate the big and small wins of the team: Make note of this by calling an urgent meeting bringing everybody together remotely to celebrate, congratulate and discuss
• Run a weekly employee questionnaire: 5 questions for staff to answer on their weeks progress on their remote work completed
In conclusion it is important to remember that each company has a unique culture which needs to be maintained in these remote working times. At TIME PERSONNEL we believe despite all our current challenges we know that culture is the key to success, and this comes through in our unique hiring process.



With her background as a professional ballerina, Liz grew to understand the discipline, poise, passion, commitment, excellence and the over-arching drive to succeed. These are the very qualities she has injected into Time Personnel, and critically these are the traits that Time Personnel look for in the candidates that are sourced for their clients.

After a career as a ballerina, Liz started as a secretary, moved into sales and then took the plunge to open her own recruitment company. She realised very quickly, all through her various roles, that the one way to achieve success was to treat people with respect and warmth. Liz has applied and instilled this in her business and her staff at Time Personnel.

What makes Time Personnel stand out is the Personality Differentiator. Liz firmly believes in hanging on to the “people contact aspect”, not just relying on the email communication options of today.

Liz’s favourite quote:
“The price of excellence is discipline. The cost of mediocrity is disappointment.” – William Arthur Ward

+27 (0)21 447 0860 /


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